Thank you for your participation in this comprehensive statewide survey of grapes grown in 2024 within New York. Your individual responses will be kept confidential and be combined with others to form a summary report. The survey will remain open until May 15, 2025. Qualifying respondents that complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for one of three $500 gift cards to the agricultural supply store of their choice.

  1. This survey should only be completed by one representative per grower or winery.
  2. Please provide information for the total acres of grapes you operate in New York. If your vineyard is managed by somebody else, the survey should be completed by that person.

    Include your 2024 price per tonnage, new plantings, non-bearing, and bearing (grapes at least two years old) acreage on:

    • Land that you own
    • Land that you rent from somebody else
    • Land that you manage for somebody else

    Do not include:
    • Land that you rent to somebody else, or somebody else manages for you
    • Acres and production originating in another state
    • Data from years other than 2024
  3. Please use a separate line for each variety within each county. For example, if you farm Concord grapes in Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties, please enter the acreage and tonnage of Concord for each county on two separate lines.
  4. Please report vineyard acreage only. Do not include headlands, ponds, buildings, etc. Do not include abandoned vineyards that were not farmed in 2024. Please report to the nearest 0.1 acre (one decimal point). If less than 0.1 acres, please do not include.
  5. This survey is intended to be a complete census so we need a response from every grower. If you require assistance to complete your questionnaire online, please reach out to Gary Scheer for assistance at 314-944-2091 or via email